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North Six Yearbook —
North Six Yearbook —
North Six Yearbook —
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North Six Yearbook —
North Six Yearbook —

planet: measure

We measure all elements of each production, calculating the carbon emissions, to properly offset and learn where we can make impactful changes. Below are some examples to help understand these numbers in relation to our everyday lives.
A business-class flight from Los Angeles to Madrid


kg of Co2

the equivalent of 269 beef steaks or 5212 250ml glasses of milk

An economy flight from Paris to Mexico City


kg of Co2

the same as driving a Land Rover for 3790 km or producing 102 wool jumpers

An equipment truck from London to Manchester using fuel


kg of Co2

the same amount as continuously using a hairdryer for 238 hours (almost ten days)

One night in a 5-star hotel


kg of Co2

the equivalent of 51 loads of laundry air dried and 15 loads washed and put in the dryer

Continuous and flash lighting equipment used for 8 hours


kg of Co2

double what an average person in the UK emits each day

Catering for 40 people, traveling a delivery distance of 7 miles


kg of Co2

the same as 11 gallons of gasoline or 245 cups of coffee

A case of clothing weighing 20 kg sent by air from London to New York


kg of Co2

the amount emitted when producing four MacBook Pros

A set built of plasterboard measuring 48.5 square feet


kg of Co2

the equivalent of 414 km driven in a car powered by fuel